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12 Mukhi | Twelve Face Siddh Nepali Rudraksha (Certified + Natural)


SKU: RUD-12 Category:


SIZE :- 24.02 mm. X 20.76 mm. X 15.74 mm.
WEIGHT :-  2.955 gm.
BOX :- ( 12 Mukhi Siddh Nepali Rudraksha In SILVER Pendent + Certificate + Red / Black Thread )
Benefits of Twelve Face / 12 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha ::
Twelve mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Sun. It is also called Dwadashsh-Aditya. According to Padma Puran, a wearer of this Rudraksha can free himself from the fear of fire and diseases, he can acquire wealth and happiness. It provides quality of leadership and control over people. It makes the wearer radiant like the Sun and gives inner strength to rule. It helps to remove all types of doubts from the mind and makes a person happy from within.
All persons who can obtain this Rudraksha should wear it, as it is an effective tool to remain healthy and prosperous. Administrators, businessmen, politicians and senior professionals should wear this Rudraksha to gain authority and power. It is also used for countering any kind of black magic. 
The twelve Mukhi rudraksha increases self-image and motivation.A Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is excellent for those who are involved in sectors like Politics, Government service or Administration and managers achieve greater success name, fame, and abundance in their respective fields.
Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha also helps in curing the diseases caused by the adverse placement of the Sun in the horoscope such as diseases of the right eye, bones, mental anxiety, etc.
Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha also helps in dealing with relationship complications with elders especially with one’s Father. Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha gives radiance, luster, brilliance, sharpness, youthfulness, and vitality.
The wearer of Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha gets the power of sight and power of timely action. Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha pacifies the negative influence and afflictions of the Sun.
Worshiping Mantra ::
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra & Om Namah Shivay
Shiv Puran :-  Om Kroam Kshoam Roam Namha 
Padma Puran :-  Om Hreem
Mantra Maharnaya :-  Om Hoom Hreem Namha
DISCLAIMER: It is advised to consult an Astrologer for your Horoscope and get the Product that suits you the best. Alternatively, you can also get a Recommendation Report By Clicking on Our Horoscope Consultation Services Link:-  to Check if the Product is suitable for you as per your Kundli Predictions.