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Sampoorn Navgrah Yantram ( 8×8 Inch ) Activated & Siddh



Sampoorn Nav Grah Yantra is made up of 9 yantras specially made to propitiate all the nine planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

Installation of this yantra is helpful in harmonious relationship at home, promotion and success of business in office or factory, enhances the prestige and strengthen the health. It removes all kinds of obstacles in life or ill effects of any planet.

It neutralizes the negative aspects of planets in malefic positions. Navagraha Yantra helps in maintaining peace, brings balance and happiness in the house. It reduces stress and frustrations.



Beej Mantra – “Om Navgrah Devatabhyo Namah”

Vedic Mantra –  “Brahma Murari Stripurantkari Bhanu Shashi Bhumi Suto Budhushcha Gurushcha Shukra Shani Rahu Ketva Sarve Graha Shanti Kara Bhavantu”



Keep the Yantra in pooja sthal or just hang or keep it on suggested North or East direction wall of a constructed area, on a Shukl Paksha Sunday or Thursday in the first hora. it will start working by itself.

How Yantras are Beneficial in various Vastu & Horoscope Remedies?

Yantra’s are very powerful tool to rectify vastu dosha problem of house or commercial constructions as per VastuShastra. If any Planet is malefic in a jataka’s horoscope then worshiping of these yantras with mantra chanting gives very fast and positive effects to neutralized the malefic effects of related planet / lord. If any Planet is in benefice position in a jataka’s horoscope then worshiping of these yantras with mantra chanting gives very fast effects to increase the benefice effects of related planet / lord.


DISCLAIMER: It is advised to consult an Astrologer for your Horoscope and get the Product that suits you the best. Alternatively, you can also get a Recommendation Report By Clicking on Our Horoscope Consultation Services Link:-  to Check if the Product is suitable for you as per your Kundli Predictions.